
Welcome to my web-page which will help you understand the questions, is there a true religion?, who is God, what is Gods purpose? and how can I find true Christians?

First I want to tell you a little bit about myself, My name is Kent and I have been a christian for something like 40 years now. I started out with joining Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1985 but started studying with them 1984.

You have to understand that then there where no internet or a personal computer so we had to just take for granted that the information was correct or go to a great library and search for information which was pretty difficult to do

After being with Jehovah’s Witnesses for something like 7 or 8 years I started to feel there was something wrong. It was difficult to exactly put your finger on what it was, but things in my congregation and nearby congregations made me think that this can not be Gods organisation.

I could not prove it from the scriptures so for some time I tried to understand it by reasoning on the scriptures from what I could find. When I started in college the year 2000 I got myself my first personal computer I started to connect with others on the internet that also had the same questions.

My first topic to research was chronology and the year 1914 as the year that Gods Kingdom had been set up according to JW:s. It was interesting because the governing body claimed that 1918 God choosed Jehovah’s Witnesses and their governing body as his people and organisation. So that was how they legitimatized their total control over the organisation.


This is a video of my research in the scripture for about 20 years, it is mainly about chronology.

It is revealing some new light on chronology and is challenging for biblestudents and Jehovahs witnesses.

We do have to stick to the harmony and context in the scripture rather than to use our preconceptions that colour our understanding.

This is a good brief explanation of the Bible in Swedish


Welcome to God’s Loving Plan and I hope you will find some good information here for the hungry in heart. Our intention is to seek for God’s truly anointed son’s. It is also our purpose to as much as we can, give hope and strength to them.

During the years especially the earlier years when I where a Jehovah’s Witness other members said to me “Why do you always search for problems and errors in our doctrine? If you would have met a cute sister and had a family and some children you would never had looked for errors in our doctrine!

This could seem as a good question and in some part also true. The thing is for me the most important thing about my connection with any church is the question “Is this really the truth? Can I trust that all doctrines in my church is based only on the scriptures?”

During all my years until now almost 40 years later this has been my first priority and the most important thing. Because of that I have used many hours of bible research and google search to understand the real truth from the bible.

My first real challenge was the chronology about the 2520 years (Seven times) that Jehovah’s Witnesses during their earlier years regarded as one of their foundation doctrine. I questioned that and one reason was that I did not believe that Gods Kingdom was set up the year 1914. Connected with this was the doctrine about the faithful and discreet slave that Jehovah’s Witnesses said was chosen by God and later called the Governing body. This group of mostly older men ruled over all Jehovah’s Witnesses over the whole world.

I could not accept that doctrine and spent hour after hour researching this and the result you can find under the menu “1914”.

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